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Our approach to sharing money

How can we work with money and economy differently?

Talking about money. People either avoid it, or take out any humanity to it, reducing it to numbers and mechanics. 

We set out to approach money differently to the transactional ways we had learned and experienced before, in working life. We are inspired by leaders, thinkers, writers, mentors and organisations and communities practising a more conscious economy, and we are all clear that we want to learn, contribute and earn an honourable living. We also don’t want money to get in the way of our relationships and doing good work in the world.

Economy conversations in Campfire are a place to practice truth speaking and are also a space for some of our deepest learnings. Once a project is complete and we have been paid, the project team comes together, in circle.  We first get clarity about the budget, and allocate 20 percent of our earnings after costs to the Campfire Pot, which nourishes and supports us in the organisation.

We speak what work that has been done by various team members, honouring everybody’s contribution. Then we speak to our own needs and those things that are important for us to consider in acknowledging others.

Once all have spoken, we use Generative Decision Making to propose a way to distribute the economy. Each time we do this, we get more practiced at working with our own shadows, triggers and money-related wounds, and those of others, and we build even stronger connections and relationships. It’s always a delight to see money flow where it’s needed. It’s a tangible practice of generosity.

We’re happy to talk with anyone curious to know more about shifting approaches to money, and the many ways this is possible. Please get in touch.

In the words of ...

“To me, economic conversations are where we are radically different to much of the world. This is where I feel deep in participatory or collaborative practice to operate in an entirely new and different way. There is no boss and industrial award. It is shared leadership in its essence. Through practice, trust grows over time and I leave every economy conversation with an open and full heart. I always find it a deeply moving process as I don’t expect to feel this way about money conversations. This way of being in relationship with money and each other is what the world needs more of now.”

Moze, Campfire member

Cover photo Markus Spiske on Unsplash

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