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AMPARO Advocacy Strategic Planning

What is possible when we dream together for a strong future?

Campfire team members Nick, Mel, Moze and Pam were delighted to be in deep and beautiful work supporting Amparo Advocacy Inc. dream of a strong future.  Through a series of COVID safe workshops, members, board and staff came together to explore the question: What is possible when we dream together for a strong future for AMPARO? This resulted in a co-created strategic plan to guide the organisation for the next 3 years.

AMPARO Advocacy is a small and powerful individual and systems advocacy organisation working with people from CALD backgrounds with disability in Queensland.  They show up with commitment, compassion and love.  Inclusion was front and centre in this work with people showing up from a diverse range of backgrounds, experiences and disabilities.  

Part of the aim of these workshops was to reconnect after a challenging time during the pandemic, and to build awareness of and greater connection to the organisation within the membership cohort.

In the words of….

Here are some of what participants said after the first workshop: What excited you about today?

  • Team work - same language, a family together

  • Get everybody together - mutual vision, the possibilities, I can see it

  • Authenticity, not funding, at the centre

  • Honesty in conversation

After the final day we asked: What is in your open heart as you leave these workshops?

  • I understand myself when I come here because I see people like me

  • I can feel the love and kindness in the group.  First time we can (share) an idea - feeling more confident

  • Greater connection to everyone. Greater understanding of AMPARO’s work

  • All contributed to the future and it looks bright

The approaches and participatory practices meant everyone was fully engaged and committed to the process and the outcomes. It was a pleasure working with the Campfire team to create a strong vision for the future of AMPARO Advocacy.

Maureen Fordyce | Manager AMPARO Advocacy


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